back to school, poster, blackboard

Back to School

For those who’s timetable is dictated by the school year, you will be experiencing a period of schedule change, these changes can be an opportunity to regain structure in your weekly routine. 

I would like to offer some useful suggestions to help set  up for success, and keep you on track with your fitness and health until the next holiday, and break in schedule!   


For those that are still working from home, or based at home, the house will now be empty for the larger proportion of the day, which will hopefully allow you some head space to plan.  Plan your nutrition, your exercise routine and self care.


With regards to nutrition, it is helpful to publish a hit list* of essential foods and stick it on the fridge, it can act as a reminder to try and include these foods when preparing meals, and creating shopping lists.  Aim to include between 20 – 30 grams of protein in every meal** to help repair, satiate and keep you from craving carbs.  Include grains high in fibre, and lots of salad and/or vegetables – the more colours the better, they help to detoxify the body.***  Many micronutrients can also be found in nuts and seeds, easy to include in most dishes.   Having a reminder on the fridge should assist you in keeping a balanced diet, or at least be good for 80% of the time.   


Exercise needs to be planned out, so you are mentally, physically and logistically prepared.  Plan  your opportunities to train, whether it be before school, lunch time or in the evening.  Draw up a timetable, and look at your time slots available, and accessibility to resources required, preempt possible barriers.  You don’t have to exercise at each opportunity, but if you know your options and possible barriers you can navigate your day to maximise opportunities and manage barriers.   


Sleep is soo very important, it is commonly suggested a healthy optimum of 8 hours sleep a day.  If you have slept well everything else becomes easier.  Although as you get older it can be harder to get a good night’s sleep, the best practices will give you the best chance.  

  1. Drink water throughout the day, then stop an hour or so before bed, reducing night time trips to the bathroom. 
  2. Don’t eat too close to bed time as trying to sleep on a full tummy isn’t easy, and often can prevent you drifting off.
  3. Try to complete all computer/screen based tasks an hour before bed.  Read before bed, or try yoga, or meditation.
  4. Get to bed early enough to allow 8 hours of sleep to occur!

We have all heard this advice before, however it is good to be reminded.  If we have slept well, eaten well, and exercised enough, we function better.  Functioning on a higher level translates into a better state of mind, allowing us to achieve more in our day, and the sense of achievement perpetuates happiness!!


Please do reach out to me if you would like me to help you find your happiness ;0). [email protected].


* Link to a Precision Nutrition infographic that explains simply what to eat more of, less of and in moderation.

** Link to an infographic from Nutrition Advanced. 

*** Link to an infographic by 

I have selected these infographics because of their concise approach to sharing important information, however I have not researched or scientifically verified all data.